
Tree Lines

Each day brings some new tragedy and I have run out of emotion and energy for knowing what to feel, and most importantly ‘how’ to feel.

I am exhausted. 

I know I’m not the only one. We are broken. We are human. I see the hatred, I see the fear, and I know this is not the end of it all.

Darkness can feel unending.

I hear from both sides: “We Want Justice”.

Last night I sat and listened to a man who either believes all the vitriol and fear he speaks to a nation that is hurting, or is using this purely as a tool to drive the masses to vote for him. His answer to this hurt and fear is his own version of justice and authority.

A crowd uproariously approved this hatred and misguided view of the world. A view that the world/nation exists for one reason, to prop up one people at the cost of all others.  This is not justice, this is tyranny.

I find myself discouraged at the prospect of a man representing a major political, ideological and philosophical view of exceptionalism fed from nationalistic narcissism. A belief that greatness is derived from might and our ability to deal this ‘might’ to those we feel are ‘wrong’ and counter from our narrow view of ‘right’.  This is not greatness, this is pride and isolationism.

I believe fear can drive us to believe these are right paths for righteous vindication, but in-fact they spawn greater destruction, discrimination and division.  I believe in a justice that does not come from man, and greatness does not come from swiftly wielding a blunt instrument. I believe in something greater. I do not believe the answer that is brought forth by this man speaks to the true nature of our own humanity. I believe this answer is steeped in “old world” bigotry and ignorance.


Mr. Trump, your speech is not unifying, it is divisive and dangerous.

Justice is not yours, Right and Wrong do not belong to you.

My faith does not allow me to believe in your ability to deal justice. My heart does not allow me to have a desire for your hate.My morals do not allow me to believe isolationism breeds success.

And ultimately my own humanity does not allow me to meet a closed fist with anything other than an open hand of acceptance and love.

May we begat a more unified world for our children, rather than one that squabbles over our differences. May we find greatness in this unity. May we seek justice for all, rather than one nation or people.


May we learn to love first, above all else.

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